Enviroflo Engineering News
Enviroflo Engineering have recently completed commissioning of a containerised dust suppression system for a Bauxite treatment plant in the Republic of Guinea in West Africa. Bauxite is an Aluminium ore and is the basis of 95% of the worlds Aluminium production. The plant operates 24 hours a day and processes 12 million tonnes of ore a year. The Enviroflo system treats dust emissions from a rail unloading terminal and two impact crushers. The Bauxite ore arrives at the plant, which is one of the largest in the world, in rail wagons which are lifted and tipped into the rail unloading station.
Before the installation of the Enviroflo system, this operation generated a considerable quantity of dust which was emitted into the atmosphere. A typical unloading sequence is shown below:
After the installation of the Enviroflo/Nalco dust suppression system the dust emissions were drastically reduced, as can be seen in the following sequence of photographs:
The dust suppression system operates by spaying a water/surfactant solution through strategically placed nozzles around the rim of the receiving hopper. The system is automatically controlled to only operate when material is being discharged.
Following the rail unloading station, the bauxite ore passes to two impact crushers, each rated at 1600 TPH. Water/surfactant solution is injected at the inlet and outlet of each crusher to control dust emissions. The following photograph shows two solenoid control modules, housed in Stainless Steel enclosures and the distribution pipework to the spray injection nozzles.
The dust suppression system was supplied pre-installed in an air conditioned container unit.
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